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Water in Africa

Groundwater, fed during the rainy season, is the main source of water supply in Africa.
The results of a study published in the journal Nature reveal that underground water reserves in sub-Saharan Africa have a strong resilience in the face of climate change.
The researchers estimate that the low access rate to drinking water in these regions, despite the availability of the resource, may result from a planning deficit, but above all from an under-exploitation of drinking water facilities, particularly wells.

The democratization of the wells

There are two types of wells. Wells equipped with human-powered pumps and wells powered by electricity, traditional or solar.
The approach of the small steps of the Nanou Association leads us to choose human energy, which is certainly not lacking in Africa.
This allows to have lower management costs and to reduce the frequency of breakdowns or malfunctions.

The project

In the countryside of western Cameroon, more precisely in Bangoua, the population travels an average of 3 km to fetch water from rivers. For the most part, these waters are not suitable for human consumption, and cause the resurgence of diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.
Faced with this situation, the Nanou association plans to build a well that will be able to supply drinking water to around 100 people every day.
We can thus contribute to the fight against epidemics of diseases linked to the consumption of non-potable water.

Our first well

After hearing from several local companies specializing in drilling works, we have chosen one that offers a preliminary field study with a surveyor and above all provides guarantees on the quality of the water sources. It also undertakes to maintain the equipment in case of breakdown or malfunction. The cost of installing this well amounts to € 12,000.
The Nanou association turns to its supporters so that together we can start this project, "Water for Bangoua", which we hope will be the first of a series.