A great journey consists of small steps




«I hope that health will not be seen as a blessing to be wished for but as a human right to be fought for» (Kofi Annan) 
The Nanou Foundation wants to try to contribute to make this possible.


«Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world» (Nelson Mandela)
Education is the motor, the guarantee of human development and the integral transformation of a society.

The foundation

The Nanou Foundation aims to solve some of the most important and difficult problems that have always plagued Africa: water, health, education. 
It is legitimate to ask how is it possible to achieve these results. Especially for a small budding association. Is it just a utopia?
Nanou's secret is in the approach of small steps, small daily achievements. And also in pragmatism, all African, which leads to concentrating resources on very precise and practical objectives.


We therefore have an ambitious objective to grow and become a true international foundation, but also a concrete objective to spend the donations as well as possible, with rapid and effective results. 
And with the certainty that one objective will help to achieve the other.


In the first phase of its life, the association will take care of the needs of the poorest regions of Cameroon, Nanou's country of origin. 
The themes chosen come from direct experiences proposed by the members of the Nanou Foundation and their collaborators.

Or if you prefer to contribute by bank transfer

IBAN: FR7619106008394369797308825

Please don't forget to include the project and your data in the description.
You can contact us and request a receipt via the contact form below.

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